There are currently 4 types or forms of voting available
- Weighted voting (Primary, Borda or Dowdall count). You will be able to choose the options by sorting them in a list. To do this you must take the option you want from the list on the left and put it in the order you want in the column on the right. The computation of this vote is weighted and can be done in two ways. Depending on the order that the user puts by the Dowdall method, the first will have 1 point, the second 0.5, the third 0.25 and so on (1/n). By the Borda method you will have 1 point for the last classified, 2 points for the penultimate, 3 for the antepenultimate etc (n-1).
- STV . The Single Transferable Vote is a voting system designed to measure the will of the voters more accurately than the conventional vote. It is used in different countries (such as Ireland or Malta) and organizations around the world. You can find more information here, or here . To vote, you must sort a list according to your preferences.
- Poll: Allows you to choose one or more options from among several. It is a vote that does not have any type of weighting.
- The debate. This type of voting is a mixed formula of forum and voting in which you can send short comments that appears published on a facebook-style board and also, if needed, vote on one or more questions. The user will be able to modify his vote as the debate progresses if he changes his mind. This system does not ensure the non-traceability of the vote, i.e. if someone accesses the database they could see that a user has voted.
Zones and security
What are constituencies.
The DEMOKRATIAN voting platform allows different voting areas, you will be registered in a province and municipality, and you can vote all those provincial and municipal consultations that are created, you can also participate in the consultations of your autonomous community, and in the State.
In addition to these constituencies can also participate in working groups to which the user must sign up to participate. These working groups can also be state, regional or provincial and can be moderated or open.
Voting security.
There is the possibility of activating a system of control-verification of the vote. The system maintains the almost impossible traceability of the vote, that is to say, the vote is secret.
In addition, there is also the possibility of enabling Interventors. The system sends an anonymous e-mail with each vote to the designated voting officers. In this way, in case of doubt, the votes could be recounted. (Note: if you enable this option in your votes, make sure that your server allows the necessary mailing volume).